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Flagging Canada Geese

October 21, 2009 by

We get a lot of questions about how to flag Canada Geese and it's finally time we show you what we're talking about. Now we can finally SHOW you what we're talking about.

In this video you'll hear one guy calling and 2 guys are flagging with 2 different types of Flagman flags. We like to mix it up a little so they don't see the same old thing all the time.

Flagging distant geese

The trick is to make the flag look like the wings of a goose in their last few feet of flight before they land. Hold it high over your head and give it a good flap. Then 5-6 fast flaps before you slap it into the ground. They are attracted to the flapping black wings.

You can really let the flag have it when flagging distant geese.

Flagging geese at close range

One word - Don't.

Put the flag down and let them come. Why ruin a good thing?

Watch us in action via YouTube:

We're in full swing of the goose season. Call Dean and book your hunt today!

Posted in: Premier Flight News, Canada Goose Hunting